
Showing posts with the label network security services

4 Ways Your Remote Employees Can Protect Your Network

  Do you or your employees often work remotely? You could be exposing your business to some network security risks in Anaheim. Network security  in Anaheim, and beyond, is important. This goes for both in-house employees and remote workers that may be tapping into your network. Working remotely is much easier today than it was even a decade ago. More and more companies are opting to allow employees to work from home to provide a more appropriate work-life balance and some companies are even going totally virtual to avoid paying hefty prices for real estate. But keeping your remote employees’ devices and your network protected can be challenging when they’re not under the same roof and working from insecure connections. Here are four ways your remote employees can help protect your network. 1. Knowledge. The most powerful weapon for network security in Anaheim is education. Making sure you educate your employees on proper procedures and protocol is the first step in ensuring sa...

How Can a Cybersecurity Assessment Help Your Business?

  Identifying Vulnerabilities and Risks to Keep Your Company Safe The cybersecurity landscape changes every day. New data hacks and information breaches impact millions of unsuspecting consumers. Fresh viruses and ransomware strains infiltrate our inboxes. Malicious web ads and fake security updates redirect everyday clicks to suspicious websites. Passwords are stolen, login credentials are compromised, and data backups are lost—and many of us never think twice about it, convinced that we’ll never be affected. Why do so many well-meaning people make so many cybersecurity mistakes, over and over again? Because most of us don’t know we’re exposing ourselves to digital danger—or we don’t understand the consequences of such actions. Until, of course, things go wrong and everyone asks, “How the heck did that happen?” That’s what makes cybersecurity assessments so important. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cybersecurity assessments as tools “used to iden...

What the Heck Is Smishing?

  Text-Based Scheme Tries to Sneak Malicious Links Onto Mobile Devices Cybersecurity experts are raising alarms about “smishing,” a unique form of phishing that attempts to deliver malicious links or infected applications to cell phones via text or SMS messages. The challenge with these types of cyberattacks is that a text or SMS message cannot be authenticated beyond the phone number it’s sent from. Hackers have started using illicit tools that allow them to send legitimate-looking SMS messages from spoofed or stolen telephone numbers. A recent text-based scheme targeting Android devices purports to be from a delivery company like UPS or FedEx. When unsuspecting users click the supposed package tracking link included in the message, it automatically installs a malicious application that can steal banking credentials and other personal information. Adding to the challenge is the fact that text messages aren’t nearly as easy to track and prevent as, say, malicious emails. URL (Unifo...

Reasons your business needs Managed IT Support Services

In this extreme connected and digitally driven world, businesses are required to be available online round-the-clock for their constant growth and development. The business operation can quickly grind if a network fails, a server goes down or a website won’t load. To manage this complexity is nearly impossible for an internal information technology (IT) team. Thus, modern businesses are relying on IT support services to manage and monitor all the digital tools. Due to these reasons managed IT services were created! Let understand, what are Managed IT Services ? How can modern businesses leverage them to become more secure and capable by Managed IT ?    What are Managed IT Services? When a businessman offloads all IT operations to a service provider, is known as a Managed IT Service Provider . The managed IT service provider is responsible for round-the-clock managing, monitoring and problem solution for IT systems within an organization.   Simply, we can co...